Raised up to Send Out
Back in 2014 I was in the locker room at our hockey rink in Fort Collins. I was having a conversation with brother in Christ about a mutual friend who was struggling in his faith. I made the comment “I hope he loves Jesus more and wants to walk with Him.” There just so happened to be one other guy sitting in the corner of that locker room who heard my lament. He looked over at us and gave a hearty “AMEN!” As you can imagine, in a hockey locker room, there’s not much conversation about Jesus so I determined I was going to get to know this guy.
Fast forward seven years and this brother, Chad Barlow, has been raised up within The Crossing Church and also within the Crossway Network to take a full time staff position at Windsor Community Church. Chad calls this new staff position his “dream job.” He has sensed God’s call into a vocational ministry position in a local church for a number of years. Here’s what Chad has to say about it all:
“I am so excited, humbled, and honored at the opportunity to serve Windsor Community Church. After walking through a church planting assessment and realizing that church planting is not for me in this season of life, I prayed that God would provide a vocational ministry position within the Crossway Network. I’d serve wherever God directed but I really prayed and asked the Lord if I could “have my cake and eat it too.” He provided in an amazing way as he always does. I’m excited to continue to grow and learn from the pastors, ministry directors, and all the saints at Windsor Community Church. I think it would be really cool to spend my whole career at WCC, but that’s not up to me. I’m pumped for this next chapter, however long it is!”

We’re grateful that Chad will have this chance to run hard and fast with Windsor Community Church for the sake of God’s glory and the work of Jesus on this earth. As you can imagine on the “receiving” end, WCC is excited as well. While contemplating this amazing journey, Dan Harty, lead pastor of Windsor Community said:
“I had a feeling 18 months ago that Chad would end up at WCC. Now, after much prayer and sacrifice from our body, I could not be more excited to see how Chad fits into our leadership team and serves WCC in the coming months and years.”
That hockey locker room was in fact the place of God’s providence for this introduction between Chad and me but eventually between Chad and the Crossway Network. I praise God for that conversation which led to a lunch and then a friendship. The friendship then led to an invitation to a theology conference; and ultimately led the Barlow family to joining and serving the Crossing church. In the last two years, Chad has been raised up within our church as well as within Crossway as a (church planting) resident. The Crossing Church would never have had the opportunity to invest in Chad over the last 2 years without the financial support of the Crossway Western Region and many in this Network. We praise God for it all! Our vision has always been focussed on “raising up to release” and we are beginning to see that vision take shape with Chad and Lord willing, many more within our Network of churches into 2022 and way beyond!

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