Huddle 2023
We’re grateful for all of you who joined us for Huddle 2023! You’ll find all the post Huddle info you need below including prayer needs for churches (keep praying!), a link to the teaching sessions here on our site and also on our Vimeo Channel, a PDF of the Huddle Booklet, and a few other resources. Check out all the videos and celebrations we watched together here at the Vimeo Huddle Showcase.
Huddle 2023 Messages
Check out the Huddle 2023 messages here on the Crossway Resource Page.
Huddle Booklet
Pray for Crossway Network Churches
Thanks to all our leaders who shared prayer needs for each of our churches. Pray without ceasing!
Majak Network (Czech Republic) – Please pray for the Ukrainian church. It has been very dynamic year. New people are coming all the time. At the same time people are moving on to different countries and it is quite difficult when leaders are leaving. Pray or our summer camps and outreach. We have more than 10 different camps and outreach retreats this summer. Pray for new leaders – as churches are growing and the network is growing we are constantly looking for new leaders to join and help us.
Camino De La Cruz (Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca Mexico) – Pray for God’s blessing over our leaders-in-training as they work to complete the elder process. Pray for the remaining funds we need to complete our property purchase and provision for the new facility. Pray for Jonathan and Renée Navarro who will begin the church planter in residence program with us in July, and for God’s direction as to where our first church plant should be.
Evangelical Church of Vlore (Vlore, Albania) – Can you pray and give thanks at the same time for the church focus on Mission? In this moment we are united more than ever on reaching this city with the gospel. Please pray that everyone can be bold and share the gospel in their workplace. And pray for the pastors of the church in this new season with more to do and more need of time in church and on discipleship.
Binay Church and Church Plant (Pokhara and Chitwan, Nepal) – Please pray that Pokhara becomes a strategic center for training youth leaders. Pray for our need of a physical church building and training center.
Crossway Burgaw – Pray for God to raise up another pastor to serve with Jason in plurality. Pray that God would provide a worship leader. Pray for wisdom and clear direction from God on our stewardship of the Matthew 25 Center (prison ministry whose building we use, currently we use this building far more than anyone else).
Crossway Fox Valley – Pray that the Lord will help us to grow in being disciple makers, inside and outside of the church. Pray that he will grant us wisdom as we seek to hire a full time pastor.
Crossway Wilmington – Please pray for the vision, faith and wisdom to form the team to plant a church in Wilmington in the next 2 years. Pray for gospel impact and fruitful relationships in the neighborhood around our church building, as we serve our neighbors, engage the schools and volunteer in various community outreaches. Pray for the continued health and unity of our church body and leadership team.
Creekside Community Church – Pray that we would be able to see significant growth in how we identify, inspire, and equip leaders here at Creekside. Pray that each member of Creekside would engage their sphere of influence with the gospel in a clear way this year and that we would see gospel fruitfulness in our city
Mountain View Bozeman – Pray for assimilation and follow-up for a lot of new people who have visited our church so that we can help them get connected to the community. Pray for our volunteers in the student ministry who have made a big sacrifice in serving and have been such a blessing. Pray for more volunteers and that our current volunteers would be sustained by God as they juggle many things in life. Please pray for conversions and baptisms and for our entire body to be evangelistic and to serve where they are planted.
Sheridan Bible Church – Pray for growth in the body and their desire and calling to be missionaries to Sheridan, to neighbors, co-workers, etc. Pray that God would incorporate new people who have been coming into authentic community. Pray for wisdom on how and how not to partner with local ministries and churches.
Summit Christian Fellowship – Pray for wisdom, clarity, and unity as we consider shifting our weekly Sunday gatherings to a local middle school. Pray for cohesion for our growing leadership team with the addition of a new elder (Ryan Wood), and part-time staff roles in children’s ministry and student ministries. Pray for our graduating class of 4 PLI students. Pray for what’s next for these leaders and for wisdom in forming the next class for the fall. Pray for new believers and others seeking Jesus. We’ve had more come into our body recently and want to shepherd them well toward the gospel.
Kaleo Aberdeen (Soon to be adopted!) – Pray for wisdom to minister to the homeless in a responsible way that prioritizes gospel transformation, and that balances safety for our church family and boldness to welcome people in a radical way. Pray for God to send or raise up a couple that is passionate about serving him and that can bring life to the ministry of our church. Pray for both spiritual and numeric growth for our church body.
High Plains Harvest Church – Pray for the new formation of the High Plains Harvest Youth Group. Pray for the leaders and those who would come alongside and assist. Also pray for the youth in the area as we reach out over the summer to start this ministry. Pray for our Vacation Bible School going on this month and that we will be able to reach new children and bring them to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Mountain View Community Church – Pray that we would as a church be about making disciples…who are making disciples. Coming out of the last 3 years, it is time to get about His mission! Pray for a few key hires we are trying to make – a student ministry director (leader of leaders over all student ministries at MVCC) and a high school director to lead a growing High School Ministry. We are sending out a lot of key leaders to be part of the Denver Church Plant, Planting in Serbia, and other missions endeavors. Please pray that Lord would back fill these leaders as we step out in faith.
Redemption Loveland – Pray for clarity and alignment in mission and vision for this next season as a church. Pray for wisdom in identifying and developing leaders and disciple makers. Pray for continued opportunities to reach beyond our church and be a blessing to our community.
Redemption Greeley – Pray for God’s provision and kindness in our next meeting location. Pray for God to continue to cultivate a heart of discipleship within His people and for God to continue to raise up more leaders to multiply His church.
Skyline Church (Church Plant 2023!) – Pray for maturity and health for our launch team, pray that God starts leading us to people to befriend, share the gospel with, and invite into our community of faith!
The Crossing Church – Please pray for The Lord to keep using The Crossing over the summer to execute the mission He has given to us, “to make disciple of Jesus Christ for the glory of God and the joy of His peoples”. Please pray for wisdom as changes are possibly coming to The Crossing over the next year with our leadership. In particular with our church planting resident Beck Easton, he will have several options to wade through in Crossway. Since summer does slow down ministry a bit please pray that our leaders across the board would get some relax and recoup time heading into the Fall.
Windsor Community Church – Pray for clarity on the timing of Pastor Dan’s transition from his current role and for clarity on who will fill the void he leaves. Pray for unity and joy in this local body as this transition unfolds.
Additional Prayer Resources
The Lord’s Prayer by Kevin DeYoung
A Praying Church by Paul Miller
Praying the Lord’s Prayer by J.I. Packer