Update from Albania
Two and a half years ago God called my family to move our lives and join his Kingdom work in Albania. We were sent in part by Mountain View Community Church and invited to come alongside a church in a southern Albanian city called Vlore to begin the missionary journey of growing in knowledge and love of the people, their culture, language and history. While doing that we become rooted members of the community so that we can serve and be a blessing to them. Our goal is that Christ would be made much of in our community, in this city and country, and we believe that a healthy, Biblical, disciple-making and missional church is God’s favorite means of Kingdom expansion.
Our goal is that Christ would be made much of in our community, in this city and country, and we believe that a healthy, Biblical, disciple-making and missional church is God’s favorite means of Kingdom expansion.
These first two years have been full of incredible stories of God’s power to save and transform, of his provision, and of his supernatural peace and contentment in the midst of challenges and adversity. We have also faced plenty of disappointment with some disunity and division in our church, widespread economic hopelessness, mistrust and slander even between long term friends and ministry partners. The work necessary to bring restoration is beyond anything we can orchestrate. Thankfully our hope is not in our own hands, but in our God who delights in restoring that which is broken. So we pray, we sow, we drink coffee, we host, we forgive, we work, we laugh, we mourn and we lean on God’s promise that his Kingdom is unstoppable, even in Albania. We haven’t always felt this way over the past two years, but I can joyfully say that we are glad and content with this assignment from God.

We pray that God would allow us to see a generation of young Christians be raised up to maturity and equipped for the harvest in Albania and beyond. That starts with the simple and time-consuming venture of making disciples of Christ, teaching them to love God and obey his instruction. As we are faithful in co-gardening with the Master gardener, our church will become an even more healthy and beautiful bride who grows, multiplies, and spreads to places where Jesus’ name isn’t known. Would you pray with us for God’s work of restoration, for workers for the harvest, and for the result of bold evangelism and loving discipleship to be new churches planted in unreached communities and cities?
Thank you for your faithfulness in the places God has called you to. You are an encouragement to us as we co-labor for the Gospel!
Grace and peace,
Caleb Patty
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