
Updates and articles from across the Network

Majak Network – Ukrainian Refugee Update

Crossway family and friends, there has been an amazing outpouring of generosity and kindness to our Majak partners in the Czech Republic from all of you. The effort they originally stepped into by faith has become much bigger than ever expected. They have been able to meet the challenge, by God’s grace, largely because of the funds many of you and your churches have donated. THANK YOU!

Please take a couple minutes and view the update from our partnering pastor in Vsetin:

If this is your first time becoming aware of this effort, please consider financial help with the continuing “long term” effort he spoke of. For those who have so sacrificially given already, please share this story with anyone who might want to pray and join in with any amount of assistance.

OR – You can also send a check (Majak/Ukraine in the Memo Line) to Crossway Network, 700 Automation Dr. Unit D, Windsor, CO 80550. The check should be made out to Crossway Network. All donations will be sent to help Majak serve these Ukrainian families.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at and someone will answer within 24 hours. Please be in prayer for these dear families and for the people of the Majak Churches who are serving them, supplying their needs, and leading them to their true refuge in Jesus. Thank you!

Clark Richardson