Gospel Mission Greeley, Colorado
“And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
Luke 10:2
It has been quite a journey for the Moser family in the past 6 months transitioning from Mexico to Colorado in the midst of the pandemic. Many have faithfully supported our mission in Mexico praying and providing financial offering as we served in the Manantial School and planted Camino de la Cruz church. By God’s grace, that church, under the current leadership of Nathan Cedarland, is growing and making disciples. Now God has called us back to the United States to be missionaries in the city of Greeley, Colorado.
Greeley, a town of 110,000 people with a 40% Latino population, a growing Somali refugee population, and a large beef and dairy industry has grown by 20% in the last 10 years and is set to grow even more in the next decade. Though there is growth ahead, Greeley has a 15% professing Christian population. These are liberal estimates and it may in fact be lower. It is clear though that at least 85% of Greeley does not claim belief in Christ alone for their salvation. Though this town was founded on Christian principles, Greeley today identifies as less Christian than the general population of Colorado.
Over the past few years, men from Windsor Community Church have been envisioning a gospel centered church in Greeley that would make disciples and send missionary church planters into the harvest. The vision, faith, and desire have been there, but there was a missing piece. These men testify that for over a year they were praying for a pastor to join their team and fulfill a full-time role. As we sought to move to Colorado, we were not expecting to be church planting and originally had our minds set on living in Fort Collins. “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but the Lord’s purpose prevails.” Proverbs 19:21
Our original plan was to settle for a year or two and pray about future church planting opportunities; however, as we learned about this Greeley team, their prayers, and Greeley’s Hispanic population, it became abundantly clear God was directing us to Greeley! We moved here in mid-July to join this team and have since been envisioning and laboring towards a gospel powered disciple making church!
As of today, our family has already been involved in some exciting outreach within our 90% Hispanic neighborhood. We have been hosting a neighborhood cookout every Sunday afternoon, and last week we had more than 20 people gathered eating pasta, playing yard games, and hearing a gospel testimony. By God’s grace we are hoping to witness God’s saving power as we lead them into a relationship with Jesus.
On October 1st, I was hired by Windsor Community Church as a Church Planting Resident to help finalize the formation of this new church. The goal in this is to be sent out of Windsor Community Church by Spring of 2020 with me working as the full-time pastor for the plant alongside 3 other pastors.
Rob Moser Jason Shelton Pat Braddy Josh Trygstad
As a part of this residency, part of my responsibility will be to gather a strong and faithful prayer team as well as gather financial support to raise $1700 dollars a month for 1 year to support the mission. Windsor Community Church and Crossway Network will be supplying the remaining portion of our need during this residency. This will enable me to be engaged in mission in our community while also helping to build a structure on which the church vine can grow.
Please pray with us! God is sovereign over all things and we know that it is prayer that will ultimately be calling on the true blessing and support we need. We are seeking primarily a group of prayer warriors to cry out to God to see him save and raise up a church of missional disciple makers to send out into the global harvest.

- Dependence on and worship of God in prayer, fasting, and labor.
- Teamwork as we trust God to create a vision.
- Gospel powered outreach and love for the city.
- Salvation for our neighbors coming to our weekly cookout.
- Endurance for the families/marriages to keep our eyes on Jesus.
- Provision for co-laborers, leaders, finances, buildings, etc.
Note from Crossway: If you would like to support the Moser family during their Church Planting Residency, please click below and select “Church Planting Resident Contributions” from the fund dropdown menu.
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